Monday, November 21, 2011

Chapter 8: Errors, Failures, and Risk

Name Victoria Terhaar Class time: 12 pm

Author: Sara Baase
Date of Publication: 2008
Book: A Gift of FIre
Sections read: 8.1 & 8.2

1. (Knowledge)Tell three interesting elements of this chapter:

a. I couldn’t believe when I read about the sex offenders getting murdered because their addresses were posted online for the world to see, especially in the cases where the person attacked wasn’t actually the offender. (pg. 408)

b. When Baase talked about the problems that happened in voting systems on page 416, and I knew what she was talking about, I thought it was interesting because I felt a sense of connection to the information because I lived through it.

c. I thought learning about the Therac-25 was interesting because my father owns a cancer care treatment center, and they use a machine for radiation treatment similar to the Therac-25. I couldn’t imagine if there was a fatal result what would happen if that occurred at my father’s center. (pg. 425-430)

2. (Comprehension) Summarize what is being discussed within this chapter?

In chapter 8, Baase in the first section explains numerous situations where something has gone wrong because of a technological problem whether it either failed or caused errors. Baase categorizes each problem by the cause, the seriousness of the effects, or the application area. Baase begins by explaining some errors that have happened for individuals. This has included billing errors from businesses or credit agencies, and misread public data. She then gives examples of some failures and errors that have occurred to complete systems. Examples she uses are AT&T losing service for an extended period of time, a system called Warehouse Manager that completely messed up system information for dozens of companies around the United States, the problems in the voting systems, with hard to read ballots, or not properly stored machines, or missing ballots. Problems that have occurred in airports, with delayed opening, and failures in baggage systems, the waste of money on abandoned systems, old systems that won’t be able to be used anymore because they don’t have a “legacy”, and the problems that pilots had in whether or not to trust a completely computer run airplane (pg. 405-424). Section 8.2 focused specifically on a case dealing with a radiation machine called the Therac- 25. This machine was supposed to help patients with cancer get their radiation treatments to help cure them. The machine had bugs and glitches that weren’t tested and would give patients overdoses in radiation, and constantly show errors on the machine screen. This case ended up taking the lives of three people due to radiation overdose (pg. 425-430).

3. (Application)Name a specific example or NEW solution for this type of problem/similar situation in society or that you have experienced – BE SPECIFIC AND EXPLAIN?

One situation I have personally experienced was one Baase used in a positive light. Automatic interlock brakes when your car is sliding or skidding in the snow. Every single year when the roads are packed with snow I always drive carefully with my snow tires and four wheel drive on. However, that isn’t always enough. Sometimes your car can just hit a patch of black ice and your car goes sliding. Thankfully, my automatic interlock sliding brakes turn on and stop my car from running into another one or causing an accident. I am very thankful for this computerized system in my car and the amount of accidents it has saved me from. I do agree with Baase when she says that this is one piece of technology that has not failed us yet.

4. (Analysis)Address ANY that apply. How can you compare one of the situations in this chapter to something that does not relate to computers, technology, or the Internet? Be sure to reference the chapter and your solution. What ideas NEW can you add to the issue that is being presented within the reading? Try to connect what you have by reading this article and how it applies to the stages in Bloom's taxonomy in 2 full sentences.

Several times a month, my family receives mail in our mailbox that is not for us. It may either be the family that lived here before us, or maybe a neighbor or ours, or someone who we don’t know at all. The error made here is one made by a person that has nothing to do with technology. The mailman has made a mistake in putting the wrong mail in the wrong mailbox. This error in judgment may not be on purpose, but it is still an error. So if sometimes our family does receive the wrong bill because it is completely not ours that would not be an actual billing error like Baase explained in the book that would be a human error in receiving the wrong mail.

5. (Synthesis) Address all that apply. Do you agree with what is being said within the article (Why/Why not? Back up with FACTS)? What new conclusions can you draw about this (or other topics) after reading this material?

I do agree with what is being said within chapter 8 because these technological errors Baase is describing are some things that people have to deal with every day. Whether it is a personal problem, such as an incorrect bill, or a problem that affects more people, such as the plane crashes that occurred due to faulty systems, or the deaths from the Therac-25, we live in a society based on technology. Trying to escape these problems are inevitable, they can only be found and hopefully corrected. I don’t think the answer is trusting technology, I think it is beating it. Finding the problems, or glitches, or bugs, and fixing them before they can do harm to our society.

6. (Evaluation) Address all that apply. Judge whether or not this topic is relevant in today’s society? Evaluate why you are viewing the topic in this manner based on your experiences. What ethical evaluations (see Chap1-1.4 for exp of Ethics) or decisions were made/can be assumed from this chapter? What new ideas will you make after reading this chapter?

This topic is definitely relevant in today’s society because as I stated earlier, at least with the Therac-25 case, my father has a radiation treatment machine just like that one in his cancer treatment center. If the same errors were happening in 1985-1987 today, there would be a major problem. The online ethics center for engineering and research saw this case as one with risks and errors made by the program software and the manufacturer’s attitude ( The ignorance of the error messages and the low risk assessment’s factored into the death and overdose of radiation for the patients, and they should be held morally responsible for the deaths of those three people. The look of the Therac-25 model is similar to the one used in my father’s treatment center, but thankfully the results for my father have been dramatically different than that of the Therac-25 (


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chapter 6-Part 2: Work

Name Victoria Terhaar Class time: 12 pm

Author: Sara Baase
Date of Publication: 2008
Book: A Gift of Fire
Sections read: 6.4 and 6.5

1. (Knowledge)Tell three interesting elements of this chapter:

a. I learned that embezzlement means, “fraudulent appropriation of property by a person to whom it has been entrusted.” (pg. 332)

b. I couldn’t believe when I read that 47% of retail losses are from retail store employees. I have never stolen anything in my life, let alone from my place of employment. (pg. 337)

c. I didn’t know that some places of employment took such extreme measures to keep track of their employees by using electronic surveillance badges to know their every location. (pg. 337)

2. (Comprehension) Summarize what is being discussed within this chapter?

In section 6.4, Baase discusses embezzlement, fraud and different ways an employee can sabotage their workplace using technology (pg. 332-335). In section 6.5 Baase goes into the different techniques companies use to monitor their employees. Baase explains the three most common issues in the three areas of electronic monitoring; details of performance, location and performance of scattered employees, and e-mail, voice mail, and Web surfing. Throughout these sections, Baase implicates the ethics involved with an employee’s right to privacy and an employer’s protection of property rights (pg. 335-344).

3. (Application)Name a specific example or NEW solution for this type of problem/similar situation in society or that you have experienced – BE SPECIFIC AND EXPLAIN?

At my work I have personally experienced my employer monitoring the web activity of employees at the workplace. If an employee tries to go on an unrelated website to work on one of the work computers the web page will not open. My employer has made it so certain websites are restricted access while connected to their internet and at their workplace. As Baase states on page 343, some people may feel this restricted access as an invasion of privacy because then your employer will know what websites you are going on. I agree with those who feel this monitoring is acceptable because going online at your workplace is on their property and on their time they are paying their employees for.

4. (Analysis)Address ANY that apply. How can you compare one of the situations in this chapter to something that does not relate to computers, technology, or the Internet? Be sure to reference the chapter and your solution. What ideas NEW can you add to the issue that is being presented within the reading? Try to connect what you have by reading this article and how it applies to the stages in Bloom's taxonomy in 2 full sentences.

In chapter 6, Baase talks about retail theft and embezzlement by employees. Not in relation to computers, technology, or the internet, theft by employees at their workplace in general is still a pressing issue today. I have heard from friends at their workplaces who have stolen food if they work at a grocery store, or liquor at a liquor store, or appliances at a home store. None of these thefts have to do with technology directly but are still wrong. On page 334 Baase gives some reasons of why people may do this and I do this that they are related, mostly financial or just because the person wants to get back their boss.

5. (Synthesis) Address all that apply. Do you agree with what is being said within the article (Why/Why not? Back up with FACTS)? What new conclusions can you draw about this (or other topics) after reading this material?

I do agree with what is being said in the second part of chapter 6 because employee crime and employee monitoring are issues people still have to deal with today. Employers and employees have always had to deal with these issues because no workplace has ever been perfect. The issues have evolved with the technology, so now that there are new ways to steal from an employer, such as embezzlement, or to monitor your employees, such as looking through their e-mails and websites, the issue has only become more advanced.

6. (Evaluation) Address all that apply. Judge whether or not this topic is relevant in today’s society? Evaluate why you are viewing the topic in this manner based on your experiences. What ethical evaluations (see Chap1-1.4 for exp of Ethics) or decisions were made/can be assumed from this chapter? What new ideas will you make after reading this chapter?

I believe that this topic is relevant in today’s society because if you look at the rising statistics of today’s employee theft you will see the rate is consistently growing. According to The Schulman Center for Compulsive theft, spending, and hoarding, 75% of employees steal from their work and do so repeatedly, 30% of corporate bankruptcies resulted from employee theft, and 60% of inventory losses were due to employee theft. The FBI believes that employee theft is the fastest growing crime in America ( These statistics show the seriousness of employee theft is America’s society today. The ethical issue raised by employee monitoring is the crossing the line between an employer protecting their property rights, and an employee protecting their privacy rights (Baase, pg. 342).


Monday, November 7, 2011

Chapter 6-Part 1: Work

Name Victoria Terhaar Class time: 12 pm

Author: Sara Baase
Date of Publication: 2008
Book: A Gift Of Fire
Sections read: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3

1. (Knowledge)Tell three interesting elements of this chapter:

a. When I read that between 1993 and 2002, 309.9 million jobs ended, but in the same period of time 327.7 million jobs were added, I wouldn’t know whether or not to think this would be a positive or negative action because of the difference within the jobs. (pg 311)

b. I agree with Baase on page 315 when she states that the new technologically advanced jobs of the 21st century require at least a college degree with job training for a worker to be successful at that job.

c. When Alan Blinder states that 28-42 million jobs have the potential to become off shore jobs it makes me wonder if in the future that will happen and that amount of people will become unemployed in the United States. (page 321)

2. (Comprehension) Summarize what is being discussed within this chapter?

In sections 6.1 and 6.2 of this chapter, Baase begins by describing and listing all of the current and past jobs that have been taken over by technology. Baase explains that with the destruction of millions of jobs, there has been an equal or greater amount of creation of jobs. She gives the reader different explanations such as a countries economy, or social development that have factored into the change of jobs. Offshoring is an important section that explains how companies are taking their business to different countries for cheaper and leaving Americans unemployed. Baase gives both pros and cons and the ethics coincided with offshoring (pgs 308-327). In section 6.3 Baase introduces telecommuting, which is basically a mobile job, whether it be at home or one that can be done from a computer anywhere. She talks about the pros, cons, and restrictions within this business (327-332).

3. (Application)Name a specific example or NEW solution for this type of problem/similar situation in society or that you have experienced – BE SPECIFIC AND EXPLAIN?

One thing potential employees may find frustrating, but potential employers find helpful is the availability of a potential employees profile on a social networking site. I’ve seen this done personally because my father is the owner of a medical management company and he checks potential employees Facebook’s to see if they are suitable candidates for a job. This issue has become widespread throughout the United States directly affecting whether or not a person may or may not get a job. Some employers are open about using this tactic, which is why that research has shown that 24% of employers have hired a person based on their profile, while 33% have not (

4. (Analysis)Address ANY that apply. How can you compare one of the situations in this chapter to something that does not relate to computers, technology, or the Internet? Be sure to reference the chapter and your solution. What ideas NEW can you add to the issue that is being presented within the reading? Try to connect what you have by reading this article and how it applies to the stages in Bloom's taxonomy in 2 full sentences.

Baase consistently saying different examples throughout the chapter of jobs that have been taken over by technology ignited me thinking about certain jobs that don’t have to do with technology and wondering how and if those jobs could ever be taken over. One example would be classical music. I used to play the string bass and piano and there is no way a person can get that same sound of an orchestra by technology without people actually playing their instruments. People then wouldn’t get to enjoy sounds from orchestras such as the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra. Another job that I don’t think technology should completely take over is the teaching industry. Too many students learn more effectively from people rather than computers.

5. (Synthesis) Address all that apply. Do you agree with what is being said within the article (Why/Why not? Back up with FACTS)? What new conclusions can you draw about this (or other topics) after reading this material?

I do agree with what is being said within this chapter because just living my everyday life I can see what is being said affecting me personally. Just this past weekend I had a problem using my debit card out of town and the first number sent me to a machine operator, and the second to a foreign person. Whether or not that person was in a different country is unknown but that supports what Baase was talking about with businesses offshoring. It is obvious for people to see how technology is changing the future of the job market and business sector.

6. (Evaluation) Address all that apply. Judge whether or not this topic is relevant in today’s society? Evaluate why you are viewing the topic in this manner based on your experiences. What ethical evaluations (see Chap1-1.4 for exp of Ethics) or decisions were made/can be assumed from this chapter? What new ideas will you make after reading this chapter?

I absolutely think all topics within this chapter are relevant in today’s society. People can look right in front of them or in the newspaper, or on the television and see the changing market within today’s business economy. It is clear to know that the rate of unemployment is an issue that has been fluctuating for the past ten years now because of the recession within this country which has affected almost each individual person.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chapter 5: Crime

Name Victoria Terhaar Class time: 12 pm

Author: Sara Baase
Date of Publication: 2008
Book: The Gift of Fire
Sections read: 5.1-5.3

1. (Knowledge)Tell three interesting elements of this chapter:

a. On page 253 Baase states that, “the average loss from a computer fraud is more than $100, 000,” and I thought with the amount of news I hear about the number would be much larger including white collar crimes.

b. A sentence Baase wrote that truly made me think was, “We have the freedom to speak but not the right to compel others to listen.” (pg. 264)

c. On page 274 Baase explains that phishing is, “sending millions of emails fishing for information to use to impersonate someone and steal money and goods.”

2. (Comprehension) Summarize what is being discussed within this chapter?

The first part of this chapter goes through the life of hacking and how it started back in the 1960’s as a positive term to what it has been developed to today with its negative light. With each phase of the development there are numerous examples of how hacking has been portrayed and how it has shifted. (pg. 253-263) The next sections are about political hacking which is primarily used to send messages to government agencies of countries, the penalties of young hackers which have included nothing more than probation, community service, financial restitution, or detention and the security measures that go hand in hand with hacking. (pg. 263-273) Lastly, Baase talks about identity theft and credit card fraud and different techniques used by hackers to get and use people’s information (273-282).

3. (Application)Name a specific example or NEW solution for this type of problem/similar situation in society or that you have experienced – BE SPECIFIC AND EXPLAIN?

A specific example that I have experienced is on my laptop before I’ve clicked an advertisement on the side of a website page and received a virus just from clicking that. The virus that downloaded on my computer was a message that would pop up in a window and every time I clocked exit on the window a new one with the same exact message would pop up. Clearly the advertisement had a virus in it. Baase states on page 261 that, “banner ads can contain viruses.” To get rid of the virus my father had no run an anti-virus software on my computer. Now to help my laptop from not getting any more viruses I have McAfee Security Scan Plus that regularly checks and protects my computer from getting a virus.

4. (Analysis)Address ANY that apply. How can you compare one of the situations in this chapter to something that does not relate to computers, technology, or the Internet? Be sure to reference the chapter and your solution. What ideas NEW can you add to the issue that is being presented within the reading? Try to connect what you have by reading this article and how it applies to the stages in Bloom's taxonomy in 2 full sentences.

In the chapter Baase talks about hacktivism, or political hacking. This is the use of hacking for a political cause. An example that Baase used was how someone posted a pro-drug message on a U.S. police department antidrug website. (pg. 263) Actions like this remind me of protests in past years, except now people are using the internet and technology to relay their message. In previous years, methods of activism didn’t involve any type of technology. Protestors would have sit-ins, or rally’s, or march’s to convey their political message to the government or whomever they were “speaking” to. A famous example of this type of protest would be Martin Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement and how he staged speeches and march’s to protest civil rights. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. devoted his life to speaking out towards civil rights and doing so in a nonviolent way (

5. (Synthesis) Address all that apply. Do you agree with what is being said within the article (Why/Why not? Back up with FACTS)? What new conclusions can you draw about this (or other topics) after reading this material?

I do agree with everything that’s being said within this chapter because hacking, whether it isn’t harmful or it is completely devastating, is something that people who live in this day and age have to deal with. Every day in the news you hear about people who have gotten their identity stolen or a major virus that is going around businesses etc., and as this technology keeps changing people have to keep changing the way they deal with it as well. Hackers find new ways so the government has to find new ways to stop them.

6. (Evaluation) Address all that apply. Judge whether or not this topic is relevant in today’s society? Evaluate why you are viewing the topic in this manner based on your experiences. What ethical evaluations (see Chap1-1.4 for exp of Ethics) or decisions were made/can be assumed from this chapter? What new ideas will you make after reading this chapter?

This topic is obviously relevant in today’s society because hacking wouldn’t be around if we didn’t have the technology we’ve worked up to in this society. This issue is one that will keep expanding as technology keeps growing, and governments and protection agencies are going to have to find alternative routes of stopping the hacking and potential hacking. They will have to find a way to always be one step ahead of the hackers.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chapter 4: Steal This Film II

Your Name Victoria Terhaar Class time: 12 pm

Name of Movie: Steal this Film
Year: 2006
Producers: The Pirate Bay

1. What questions/thoughts/reactions do you have after watching this film? (QUESTIONING):

o Is there any way that the founders of The Pirate Bay do make a profit from their website? Are there ads that they collect revenue from?

o If the internet is the same in all countries then why are the laws that countries are supposed to abide by for it different?

o I think the government should take a different approach other than suing The Pirate Bay to try and control them. Possibly try to fight technology with technology?

2. Foundation (UNDERSTANDING):

a. What is the Pirate Bay?

The Pirate Bay is one of the largest peer to peer file sharing websites known throughout the world. On this website a person can download music, movies, games, computer application for free. This website is run from Sweden where it is legal.

b. What do they stand for (what is their mission)?

The mission of The Pirate Bay is to keep available the free and accessible download of movies, music, computer applications and games, and other entertainment to the public. They are set in their beliefs that what they are doing is legal under the Swedish law and other countries shouldn’t be able to interfere with their company.

c. What is their purpose for making and distributing this film as a free download?

Their purpose is to not seem like a hypocrite and have free movies for download on the Pirate Bay website, but not have their movie be a free download. I also think that it helps solidify the Pirate Bay’s argument because they are fine with having their movie available to the public for free which is legal in Sweden anyways.

3. Provide 3 referenced connections to Baase readings (LINKING).

a. The Napster case relates to the film the court ruled that the large scale copying on the website was illegal copyright infringement, not fair use, and that is what the MPAA wanted to sue The Pirate Bay for. (pg. 210)

b. The MGM v. Grokster case deals with the new challenge of copying files among users on the internet without a central service, and that is partly how Bram Cohen’s site BitTorrent works, using a decentralized service to share large files. (pg. 211)

c. I feel that one question that Baase asked in the reading, “Should we ban or restrict software, a technology, a device, or research because it has the potential for illegal use, or should we ban only the illegal uses?” applies to the film because the main issue this film deals with is the illegality of certain websites and their actions. So should the websites be restricted because of what is happening on them, or just what is taking place within the websites? (pg. 215)

4. There are at least 10 people interviewed in this film. Name 5 of these people, explain why they are included in the film (why they are significant). How do they relate/add information to the overall theme of the film (KNOWLEDGE):

a. Bram Cohen was included in this film because he was the inventor of BitTorent and that is the website where The Pirate Bay gets the shared files from.

b. Dan Glickman was included in this film because he was the chairman of the MPAA and that is the company that was suing The Pirate Bay for copyright infringement.

c. Sebastian Lutgert was included in this film because he is a supporter of pirate cinema and he contributes to the argument backing up the legal downloading of files on the internet.

d. Yochai Benkler of Yale Law School was included in this film because he isn’t biased towards anyone one side of The Pirate Bay, he looks at the arguments from both points of view.

e. Fred Von Lohmann was included in this film because he is an attorney for EFF and he looks at the criminal and civil aspects of the case in a legal matter.

5. Name, and define, 3 significant people interviewed in the movie (KNOWLEDGE):

a) Peter Sunde- Co-founder of The Pirate Bay and was found guilty in the trial against Pirate Bay

b) Fredrik Neij- Co-founder of The Pirate Bay and was found guilty in the trial against Pirate Bay

c) Gottfrid Svartholm- Co-founder of The Pirate Bay and was found guilty in the trial against Pirate Bay

4. What are the main ideas being discussed within this movie? By referencing the book, make 2 connections between Baase and this film (COMPREHENSION).

The main ideas being discussed within this movie are the fight between old and new ways of distributing information and what should and shouldn’t be illegal and the idea of whether piracy infringes on people’s intellectual property rights. A connection between Baase and this film is with the Fair Use Doctrine, it allows it to in some particular circumstances be alright to use copyrighted material, and in the film it is alright to use copyrighted material in Sweden but not in the United States (pg. 206). Another connection between Baase and the film is that both pieces of work appreciate the history of copyright infringement laws and intellectual property rights because both take time to mention how it is the laws exist today (pg. 203-206).

5. What is BitTorrent? Explain what it does and how this technologic advancement had changed society. (COMPREHENSION)

BitTorrent is a new peer to peer file sharing website that allows a person to download large files from different countries and different people. This site makes downloads harder to track to a single user because it allows user to download from each other simultaneously. This technologic advancement has changed society in the way that it has helped people be able to download large files faster by being connected to more people throughout the world at one time.

6. Based on the main point off this film (If you don’t understand read: Where do you see connections to your experiences, or within society – BE SPECIFIC AND REFERENCE THE BOOK (APPLICATION)?

I see connection to the main point of this film in my everyday life because I constantly see and hear about people watching movies on the internet, or I hear names of different websites where people are able to download music for free. A specific example would be when I first heard about the website Netflix, and that website has certain movies and television shows a person can watch instantly.

7. Analyze what you’ve watched. Use your Baase connections. What do you think is the future of distribution, production and creativity? What do you think is the future of Intellectual Property in the Information Age? ? (ANALYSIS)

I think the future of distribution, production and creativity is that it is going to become even more digitized than it already is. This world is becoming smaller every day and more jobs are being sacrificed to technology and I feel that at least distribution and production industries are going to become completely over the internet because of the convenience and cheapness. The creativity field will become more complex within their work but the actual creative process will stay the same because people love entertainment the way it is. I think there is no future for intellectual property in the information age because illegal downloading and file sharing is taking over the internet at a rapid pace and I feel that the government is going to have to come up with something new to protect people’s work.

8. Do you think that downloading is stealing someone’s Intellectual Property? Why or why not? Back up with Baase (ANALYSIS)?

I do feel that downloading legally is not stealing someone’s intellectual property, however if the download is illegal then it is stealing of someone’s intellectual property. This is because what a person may come across and download illegally off of the internet is another person’s work. People like to have control over their work and if it is a form of entertainment, distribute it how they see fit. Downloading illegally means stealing because the person who put time and effort into the thing that is being downloaded isn’t getting credit for their work.

9. How do you see issues of copyright and Intellectual property effecting the world 50 years from today? BE SPECIFIC (SYNTHESIS)

I think that because technology is always evolving, the governments in the United States and around the world are going to have to find ways to deal with copyright infringement and Intellectual property rights without all the lawsuits that have been happening in recent years. Fifty years from now I can see everything in the entertainment industry being really cheap for its customers because the government is going to have to find a compromise between illegal free downloading and selling their products for too expensive. Maybe the entertainment industry will begin working with the websites they’re trying to get rid of to make an even larger profit instead of suing each other and losing money on both ends,

10. Do you agree with what is being said within the movie? Explain. (EVALUATION)

I somewhat agree with what is being said within this movie because I do believe that there is a history to this issue, that it did begin with the printing of material and people needing to be in control of that information. The founders of The Pirate Bay seem very stuck in their views of keeping their download’s free and I don’t agree with that when the free downloads are available in countries where that is illegal. Illegal actions should be punished in appropriate ways and the raid of The Pirate Bay computers only gave the website more publicity.

11. Has your opinion shifted on this topic after watching this film? Have you created any new ideas after watching and thinking about this film? (EVALUATION)

My view has not really shifted on this topic after watching this film because I feel that just as technology is evolving, the laws that surround the technology needs to evolve with it. I agree with the fact that copyright infringement and Intellectual Property theft should be illegal because people take time and energy to produce the material and should get compensated for their work. With learning that these actions aren’t illegal in Sweden does open up some ideas about how countries need to work together to find a common ground on how to deal with public file sharing.

Chapter 4: Musicians Look Por Pay In An MP3 World

1. Next, what is the argument made in Laura Sydel's audio segment Musicians Look For Pay In An MP3 World?

The argument made in Laura Sydel’s segment was that if people are downloading their music for free and the entertainment industry isn’t making a profit off of their product, how are the workers within that industry supposed to make a living?

2. How are the ideas expressed in the Sydel segment it different from the Chuck D and Lars Ulrich video?

The ideas expressed in Sydel’s segment were about making a profit and the money involved in copyright infringement, she focused on the economic side of this issue. Chuck D and Lars Ulrich were less concerned with the economic issue and more concerned with the power and control issue. Ulrich kept repeating how the control of the industry was at stake and Chuck D spoke about power going back into the hands of the people.

3. What point does Sydel make that is the same or different than the Chuck D and Lars Ulrich video?

A point made by all three people was that they all know that no one can stop the rapid changing pace of technology, but before it gets out of control, someone needs to figure out a way to control it. A solution needs to be found about how to control the illegal downloading and file sharing but still giving people what they want in convenient, cheap entertainment.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Chapter 4: Chuck D and Lars Ulrich

1. In 1-2 sentences, explain Eric Schmidt's point of view on Intellectual Property.

Eric Schmidt believes that copyright has evolved but for him intellectual property is fundamental and Google at least is critically dependent upon it. He thinks that the world is a better place when the largest number of people can see the most amount of information and pay for it.

2. What is Chuck D's slant on Intellectual property?

Chuck D supported Napster and the free exchange of music because he felt there is an evolving source of technology to share, distribute, and expose music and instead of fighting it he felt people should accept it and the fact that their intellectual property rights will change with the changing technology. One reason he felt this way was because for some artists it was there only source of exposure. A second reason was because when FM radio and the cassette tape first came out people thought negatively about those things and that they were going to hinder the entertainment industry when really they boosted the industry.

3. Explain the reason why might Lars Ulrich express the opinion he has. Base your answer on facts from this chapter.

Lars Ulrich’s opinion of this new technology, Napster, is that since people fall behind evolving technology, they need to set parameters so people don’t lose control of what is happening right in front of them. His debate is that with people’s perception of the internet and what their rights are as a user, they think that they own whatever comes across their screen on their computer. Lars feels that is wrong because of intellectual property rights, the artist etc., is the actual owner and needs to have control over their material. Intellectual property rights are supposed to protect the rights of an artist, in this case, to compensate for what they create and make their work valuable and intangible. Making their work illegally part of the public domain would be a violation of the Fair Use Doctrine.